Join us on February 14th 2021
Be our Valentine's on February 14th & join us for the next TJF Music Club show. We're asking you to pick some of your most romantic or heartbreaking songs for this next concert. When : February 14th 2021 8pm UK, 3pm EST, 12pm PST We're looking forward to seeing you all. Lots of TJF love songs in this collection, but we're looking forward to your cover suggestions too. This event is for all Music Club Members. It's never too late to join & support us in 2021. There's still no news about when we'll be touring again, so your membership is...
We're so excited for you to join us tomorrow/Christmas Eve for our special online show JOY TO THE WHIRLED. Matt is a little too excited?! (You'll see!) THE SHOW STARTS AT 8PM UK TIME (GMT) 3PM EST/12 NOON PST Here's what you need to do to watch Joy to the Whirled Go to Make sure you've bought a ticket (THANK YOU!) Log into our site with the email address you used to buy tickets PRESS THE PLAY BUTTON AFTER THE COUNTDOWN FINISHES. You can watch/rewatch the show at any time. Use the new chat feature to catch up with friends and...
Welcome to our new site
It's great to have you here, welcome to our new site. This will be the hub of our Music Club , merchandise, new tracks, streams and lots more. We've been evolving our Music Club over the past few months and we're so excited to have everything in one place for you to enjoy. It's not too late to join. If you sign up today, you'll have instant access to the Backstage area where our Club concerts are available. New music will be sent to you directly and you can enjoy our 2020 Holiday concert, Joy to the Whirld, on Christmas Eve at...
Rhydian Dafydd and Twinkle and Gloom have brought some beautiful designs to our 2020 Festive Formidable collection. We have unique, handcrafted moles to celebrate our song Twrch Leuad (available through the Music Club), handprinted totes, a brand new hoodie "Carw Ti", a gold edition of "Byth Bythoedd" and so much more. Take a look!